I first started programming in Applsoft BASIC as a child on my family's knock off Apple IIc. My teen years, I kinda went away from programming for a while, just dabbling off and on, but in 2015 I learned that software and web development were not a "young man's game" after all. Since then, I've learned all the standard web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS as well as a lot of the associated tools and frameworks. I also know Ruby and Sinatra. You can check out my portfolio for a sampling of what I have done. Recently, I've started to pick up C# and ASP.net. Check out my portfolio as I start making projects with the new toolset. Heck, I may blog things about my journey (or whatever else strikes my fancy).
I live in Westminster, Colorado and when I'm not programming, I like to play pen and paper roleplaying games, cook, brew beer and drink /whiske?y/
. If you think you'd like to work with me--or me to work for you even--you can contact me here.
A random quote machine that makes use of some of my pictures. This app, the calculator, the Wikipedia viewer, and the pomodoro clock, were all originally built while working on Free Code Camp.
Here it is on GithubA basic online calculator all in default bootstrap colors. I was using them as placeholders but I liked how it was looking so much, I decided to make the whole thing 'strappy
Here it is on GithubA Wikipedia viewer. I'm quite proud of the design on this app.
Here it is on GithubA pomodoro clock that I used as the sample solution to the pairing project for The Odin Project. My favorite part about this one is that it actually had someone contribute an improvement on Github.
Here it is on GithubA sinatra front end for a Ruby Caesar's Cipher program that I built as part of The Odin Project
Here it is on GithubA website I built for a friend's business featuring a handmade CMS. Unfortunately, she is no longer in business so don't try actually contacting her.
Here it is on Github